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What We Do

Providing Manpower from 26+ Countries from Asia, Europe & Africa

Recruitment Supply in Qatar have assisted hundreds of organisations of different industrial sector in Qatar with skilled and unskilled labours. Our goal is to provide quality manpower supply services to all our clients. We do service to business customers by providing professionals, skilled and unskilled manpower from 26+ countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Reliable Manpower Supply

We assure a reliable manpower supply for all sectors that require general and technical staffing.

On Time Service

Our expertise allows us to supply your manpower requirement efficiently, with no downtime.

Industry Expertise

With more than 5 years of expertise in manpower supply services in the Qatar.

Flexible Contracts

We provide teams or individuals according to your manpower requirements.

Some Facts About Us

Empowering Success Stories:
Crafting a Legacy of Excellence and Impact

We do service to business customers by providing professionals, skilled and unskilled manpower from 26+ countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa.


5 years of quality and successful services

Asliya Recruitment, a registered and well-reputed recruitment agency in the Land of Qatar. Registered under Ministry of Labor, Qatar (License No.). We strictly follow all laws and legislation of Qatar Government. With years of service, we at Asliya Recruitment Supply in Qatar have assisted hundreds of organisations of different industrial sector in Qatar with skilled and unskilled labours. Our goal is to provide quality manpower supply services to all our clients.
Years Of experience
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Service sectors
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One of the Best Organizations in Qatar for Recruitment from Unskilled Workers to Top Management Level.

Our core service sectors are Construction, Education, Oil & Gas, Security Services, Hospitality, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Health& Fitness, Spa & Beauty Saloon, Man Power Supply, Taxi & Limousine services, Trading, Restaurants & Cafe, MEP, Facility Management Etc…

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